Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wheel of Wonder March 20-27, 2011

Its been some time since I posted here. The Urban Pagans would say I was out of balance with the Element of Fire, at my home base I've been experiencing some number of Electrical Power Surges. Some Urban Pagans say the Element of Fire is present in the Urban setting in the form of Electricity through the wires. One of these power surges seems to have fried the Home Computer, so I couldn't post. Everything's fine now (though I still don't have a working Computer at home) I'm working on my relationship with fire (always a good idea) and will soon have the functional "virtual Crystal Ball" if you will, but today will be a mixed post for last week and this week coming up.
Last week was the Ostara show, and this Ostara especially was an Equinox of great energy in this area. No disasters occurred but there was a lot of passion hereabouts surrounding The Medicine Wheel Healing Ceremony that went for three days, sunrise to sunrise in a very public area. Passion is often attributed to the Element of Fire. For more information on this issue; look to the sidebar of this blog for Medicine Wheel Healing Ceremony, if you click on that it will take you to the ritual facilitator's website. For information on the "not necessarily positive" feelings towards the event I invite you to begin your search on this website: Evergreen Native Student Alliance I'm definitely one for people making their own decisions. Ostara is a time of balance, so feel free to balance both issues in your decision.
I decided to attend the Healing Ceremony, I find it very worth while to try to add my energy as much as is possible, to the efforts of people trying to achieve positive results, even if not everyone agrees with their cultural approach to rituals.

It inspired me to write:


Even though my Ancestors are from other Lands across the Sea
Olympia is my Home. I love this place as much as one can.
I honor this land, I honor these Trees, I've found great solace traveling our woodsy waterways
And I too dislike entombing our Mother in Concrete
Mother Let us Heal You

What Mother would not be hurt, damaged and appalled
at seeing, feeling, her blood soaked children die
gasping their last breaths as they lie on her chest?
That is the bad blood conflict has been bringing us all these years
That is the only bad blood that can run through Human veins
It doesn't even earn the title bad blood until it spills out of those veins
Mother Let us Heal You

When the Children are hurt, when our Brothers and Sisters are hurt
It is our Honor to heal them.
And when we see our Mother's tears
What feeling heart is not moved to wipe them away and let her know
"This time Mother, let me heal you."
Mother let us Heal You

Well, our Mother is Crying
Her sobs and Shudders are in the Earthquakes
Her tears and pain are in the Acid Rain
Her red hot face is in the droughts we suffer
Some suffer them year after year.

Mother we can help you, we had just forgotten how.
But now we are learning.
Mother Let us Heal You

written by Ray, Ostara 2011.

Let's not underestimate the strength of Gaia though. Or our place in helping the Earth we live on and the other people who live here with us.
This week on Wheel of Wonder I will be interviewing Rainbow Lightening, a self-identified Druid who works closely with the head organizers of the Medicine Wheel Ceremonies Blue Thunder, and Christine. Blue Thunder is a registered member of the Wind River tribe in Wyoming, and there's a chance he might say a few words as well about what they are endeavoring to do with the many Medicine Wheel Ceremonies they perform around North America and other parts of the world. This will be an 8 o'clock hour Interview with the backdrop of this week's Wheel of Wonder: all about Lightworkers and some people's beliefs about the Ascension Path of Spirituality. It will include some references to Christopher Penczak's book Ascension Magick: Ritual, Myth and Healing for the new Aeon (20o8 Llewellyn Worldwide)
We will also include new Music by Denean and new to Wheel of Wonder music: Red Cedar Medicine Circle Songs from Beaver Chief.

The picture is a "re-broadcast" of Earth from The Space Brotherhood, I still don't know the artist or the Brotherhood.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wheel of Wonder March 13, 2011

Sunday's Wheel of Wonder occurred on the date closest to the first ever broadcast of the show on the Olympia Airwaves. The first ever broadcast of Wheel of Wonder was on March 18th, 2009, as a "Rookie Radio" installment. So I chose this episode to be a "2nd year Anniversary Special ," went right back to the roots and re-created a Celtic Wheel of the Year show. I followed through song, information, and ideology the meaning of Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh (lammas) and back around to Mabon. I will hope to see posts and opinions around it soon.

The key purpose, the string of meaning through observing these ancient Holidays, beyond the harvest and fun, seems to be in living in closer awareness to the natural flow and energetic cycles of the Earth Mother. I am idealistic enough to believe this could very well be one recognizable path towards living in better relationship with the land and each other.
I think agrarian, indigenous, and environmentalist people know this, even if it does not fit their faith path to consider themselves "Pagan" or "Shamanic." That is the appeal of learning about ancient belief and perhaps even new age, ways of thinking.

I hope you have been enjoying Wheel of Wonder over the past few years, and the information I've tried to make available on this blog. The picture above and to the right is from my Garden.