Esbat! We're just finishing up with our window of the energy as some would say surrounding the Full Moon of October 2013 (was actually the 18th). According to a Druid Tree Calendar I've seen this Moon was known as "The Ivy Moon" according to a Farmer's Almanac article I read this would be the Hunter Moon. Its also called the Aries Moon. For those who see the Moon as not only a satellite, but also an energy source, this is an opportunity for Invocation of its energy, unique among all the thirteen moons of the Celtic Year. This week we'll be speaking about Esbats and Full moon Dances and celebrations. According to many viewpoints, every full moon of the year has a unique name and energy, and within three days before, or three days after, is a great time for craftwork with that energy. We'll speak a bit about that this week on Wheel of Wonder.
1-28-25 yEAR OF THE wOOD sNAKE
3 days ago