Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wheel of Wonder October 11, 2009

This week on wheel of Wonder we'll re-visit The Celtic Wheel of the year, for the Benefit of those who may have only recently heard of Wheel of Wonder, or perhaps were not even in Olympia back when it all began. One could practically follow along with me as I speak, just by looking far enough back in this blog (see; where it all began). There will of course be more music this time, and I don't doubt more information, through more focus on the elements attuned to the change of seasons. This week is also the pre-membership drive on KAOS 89.3 fm so for every $4000.00 that is raised through new memberships (join on-line) this week, there will be one less membership drive day next week (the membership drive starts on Friday the 16th 0f October)! If you like Wheel of Wonder, join during the show; next Sunday the 18th of October! Or, if you like the other shows on KAOS, join anytime! KAOS is a nonprofit radio station, membership dollars ARE what keeps it broadcasting. I'm looking forward to talking with you this week on Wheel of Wonder!

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