Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wheel of Wonder February 19, 2011

This week on wheel of Wonder we'll be speaking about the craft practice called SpiritSong. This is also known as The Way of Song. "One important and often overlooked aspect of well-being is the unique mechanism known as the voice. the voice is built into our basic body kit for two main reasons: to release tensions and to communicate the unique expression of who we are." According to Shawna Carol, the wise woman who named it and seeks to spread the use of the Way of Song for people to find their own, powerful voice, through the use of sound. Spirit Song is about deep listening to perceive the inherent music of the universe and to remind ourselves to hear the music that represents ourselves, every heart can sing, and finding our own song is empowering. This week we'll be talking with Shawna Carol about her journey to the Way of Song and the Spirit song practice. Finding the voice of your soul.
This will also give us the opportunity to hear new music from song healer Denean, Tracks from Shawna Carol's epic sacred music work:Goddess Chant, and many other songs that come from the spirits of their singers. Expect chant, ambient, New Age, and even traditional music this week on Wheel of Wonder.
The painting above is entitled Spirit Song and was created by Mira M. White check out her work here.

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